
Chelmsley Wood Town Council

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Come and join us for the Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.
Chemlsley Wood Town Council and Onward Club
Wednesday 25th September 2024, 10am - 12pm.
107 Helmswood Drive, Chelmsley Wood, B37 7NS.
If you would like to donate items towards the coffee morning please call 0121 770 4499.
Donations can be made on the day or by using the link
We look forward to seeing you there!

Residents Meeting - Police and Crime Commissioner and Chelmsley Wood Neighbourhood Police Team

You spoke and we listened!
A frequent issue brought to us by our residents and raised in our residents survey is concerns about crime and anti-social behaviour in the area.
We have arranged for The Police and Crime Commissioner for the West Midlands, along with Chelmsley Wood Neighbourhood Police Team to come along to meet with residents to discuss these problems and ways these are being tackled now and in the future.
This is your opportunity to have your say and raise your concerns about the issues affecting our community.
All residents are welcome.
Wednesday 25th September 2024 at 7pm.
The Onward Club, 107 Helmswood Drive, Chelmsley Wood, B37 7NS.
If you would like to submit questions in advance please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Although all attemps will be made, the attendance of the neighbourhood police team is dependent on operational needs on the day.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION Consultation on draft recommendations​ for ward boundaries in Solihull Council

Consultation on draft recommendations​ for ward boundaries in Solihull Council
Local Government Boundary Commission has published draft recommendations for new wards, ward boundaries, and ward names for Solihull Council.
They are now inviting comments on those recommendations.
The consultation closes on 10 April 2024.

Colebridge Trust

Chelmsley Wood Town Council are pleased to support the Colebridge Trust and Around Again Shop by providing regular donations of food, toiletries, pet and cleaning supplies.

Colebridge Trust offer a wide range of resources and more information can be found using the link below:

Councillor Vacancies Chelmsley Wood Town Council

Are you interested in making a difference in your area? Chelmsley Wood Town Council has four vacancies for Councillors. 

If you are interested in supporting your local area and becoming a Councillor please contact the Clerk to the Council on 0121 770 4499 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

More information can can be found via the link below:

Elections — #MakeAChange (


Chelmsley Wood Town Council Residents Survey

Chelmsley Wood Town Council wants to hear from you!
Take part in our residents survey linked below to let us know your thoughts! Paper copies are also available from Chelmsley Wood Town Council and The Onward Club
Survey closes 31st March 2024

Bleed Kit

Chelmsley Wood Town Council and Onward Club have now installed a new Daniel Baird Foundation Bleed Kit.
The kit is located on the front of the building to allow 24/7 public access. The code is available from staff onsite or by calling 999.
We hope the kit is never needed, however we are proud to provide this life saving equipment for the community.

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